Featured News
High-Tech, Remote Monitoring Patch Could Help Reduce Hospital Readmissions
Band-Aid-like patch offers efficient method of post-discharge patient monitoring. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Institute For Patient Safety Takes Aim At Reducing Medical Error
Collaborative institute to focus on patient safety issues and preventable medical errors. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
From Scrubbing In To Geeking Out: How My Career Took An Unexpected Turn To IT
When you think of nurses working in a hospital, you probably imagine them passing out medications, administering treatments, interpreting doctor’s instructions, or simply holding a patient’s hand. And, when I first graduated from nursing school, those were things I did. But my view of nursing began to change in 2002 when I was training to become a surgical nurse while serving in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps.
Live Video Is Most Prominent Reimbursed Form Of Telehealth
Definition and regulation inconsistencies still cause confusion nationwide, however. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Artificial Intelligence Reduces Hospital Admissions
Research reveals benefits of integrating machine learning into remote monitoring. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Can Home Delivery Meds Improve Adherence?
Is getting patients to take their medications as directed as simple as automatically refilling and delivering prescriptions to their homes? By Katie Wike, contributing writer
CMS Launches Medicaid Interoperability Initiative
Move is anticipated to increase provider connectivity and improve sustainability of HIEs. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Widespread Adoption Of Telehealth Could Save $6 Billion A Year
Despite promise, challenges still impeded the widespread implementation of telehealth. By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Mobile Health Tiring For Patients
Even patients who actively use their mobile devices to manage their health eventually lose interest, according to a study published by JAMA. By Katie Wike, contributing writer
Healthcare Miscommunication Costs 2,000 Lives And $1.7 Billion
Total numbers are probably higher according to new research. By Christine Kern, contributing writer